Jul 16, 2009

The sequential launch of rocket “[Bulava]” proved to be unsuccessful

The heavy atomic rocket cruiser of strategic designation “Dmitriy Donskoy” produced on July 15 from the water area of the White Sea the test launch of ballistic missile “[Bulava]”, because of the nonstandard wear and tear of first stage the rocket was self-liquidated, it is spoken in the communication of control of press service and information of the Ministry of Defense RF.
“Is created the Commission of Inquiry of the reasons for selfdestruction”, reports military department. The previously sea tests of rocket were stopped for conducting the ground-based bench tests after a number of launching failures.
The first after stopping launching again proved to be unsuccessful. With the intercontinental ballistic underwater-launched missile Of [r]30 of 3[M]30 “Of [bulava]-30” (in the international agreements it is used name [RSM]-56, according to the classification of NATO - SS-NX-30) it is planned to equip the strategic submarines of project 955 (cipher “Boreas”), which now are built or are passed tests on “[Sevmashpredpriyatii]”: “Yuri [Dolgorukiy]”, “Alexander [Nevskiy]” and “Vladimir [Monomakh]”.
The maximum flying distance of rocket - 8 thousand kilometers, starting mass - is 36,8 tons, the covered weight (payload) - 1,15 thousand kilograms. Rocket can bear 6-10 hypersonic maneuvering nuclear blocks of individual guidance on 100-150 kilotons, capable of changing the flight trajectory on the height and the course. Has low-altitude flight profile. Engines of first and second stages - solid-propellant, the third - liquid - for guaranteeing the necessary speed of maneuvering in the stage of breeding combat blocks. “[Bulava]” is developed in the Moscow institute of heat engineering.

Jul 15, 2009

Scientists opened the secret of the reliable marriage

Australian scientists opened the criteria of the selection of reliable marriage partner.
The colleagues of Australian national university analyzed the statistical data of report “housework, income and employment in Australia in 2001-2007”. Researchers rested on the information about 2 482 heterosexual pairs (some they were married, some - so).
It was explained that the pairs, in which the man for one year is younger than the woman or older it for 1-3 years, dilute two times more thinly frequently in comparison with the families, where the man is older by nine and more than years. The pairs, in which the man is younger for two years and more, they also dilute fairly often. Furthermore, it is discovered, that the marriages are especially strong, when to fiance at the moment of wedding or beginning of the joint life of at least 25 years. Analogous situation is observed in the pairs, where both partners either want or they do not want to have children.
Money play important role. Pairs the low income more frequently dilute than pair with the average and high abundance. Unemployed men, and also men, parents of which bred, are less reliable in the marriage. Enormous value refers to nicotine. If one of the partners smokes, but another - no, the risk of divorce rises by 75%. It is interesting that the religion, formation, consumption of alcohol practically have no effect on the stability of marriage.

Jul 14, 2009

The 55- degree heat expects the south of Russia

In Astrakhan on Tuesday 14:00 to 17:00 is expected a sharp increase in the temperature of air - from 36 to 55 degrees. " To inhabitants it should be not left to the street into this time interval, since is high the probability of extraordinary [situatsiy]" , noted source in main management MChS (emergency and disaster relief ministry) of Russia on the Astrakhan province, in this case after adding that especially this concerns citizens, who suffer cardiovascular diseases, reports " [Interfaks]".

Let us note that [ekologi] and public organizations have long ago sounded the alarm concerning a climate change on the planet. Thus, the World Bank finds this process in the Eurasian region by catastrophic and calls the countries of East Europe and central Asia to accept a number of system actions. This it is discussed in the special report on the adaptation to the climatic changes.

According to the data of specialists, the region already proved to be under the action of climate changes and it perceives on itself its different consequences: the changeability of weather, an increase in the temperature, extreme phenomena, such, as droughts, storm, flood and fires, [PRAYM]- TASS reports. In the opinion experts, who refer to the forecasts, the changeability of climate in the next decades will be strengthened still more.

As it is noted in the report, since the beginning of the 20th century mean temperatures in the region already increased by 0,5 degrees in the south and by 1,6 degrees on the north, in Siberia, and to the middle of the 21st Century is expected an increase in the temperature by 1,6 - 2,6 degrees, besides a more considerable increase in temperatures is forecast in the north latitudes.

The reduction of a quantity of frost days on 14-30 days is forecast for the forthcoming 20-40 years on the north. In the southern parts of this region a quantity of hot days will grow by 22-37 during the same period.

This tendency toward the warming up is fraught with the perceptible consequences: according to forecasts, to the middle of century such countries, as Poland or Hungary, in a quantity of hot days - more than 30 degrees - can be equaled with Spain or Sicily.

Jul 13, 2009

Russian seamen obtained rewards for the fight with the pirates

President Dmitriy Medvedev awarded Russian seamen, who fought with the pirates in the Indian Ocean. State rewards for courage and courage they are honored 28 soldiers of northern, Pacific Ocean and Baltic fleets.

This was the uncommon ceremony of rewarding. Rarely it is possible to see together as many seamen, who was outstanding themselves in the matter of fight with the pirates. The authorities of the de facto decomposed state of Somalia do not can to manage this evil. Only in the past year in the Gulf of Aden on the coasts of African horn the marine robbers of more than 120 times attacked the merchant ships.

A struggle with them the coalition of the Naval forces of 16 countries. Ships the Navies of Russia - in the first rows. “Your contribution is not valued, stated Dmitriy Medvedev. - This I recognize other states, which are also of their interests, ensure safety in this very complex region of the world. The ships of northern, Pacific Ocean and Baltic fleets will continue tracking civil vessels”. Among the seamen, who received from the hands of the President of order and medal - members of the crews of heavy atomic rocket cruiser “Peter [Velikiy]”, the destroyer escort “undaunted”, of antisubmarine warfare ships “Admiral [Levchenko]” and “the Admiral of the Panteleis”, the officers of naval aviation and coast troops. Since October 2008 our seamen conducted through the dangerous waters more than 150 Russian and foreign vessels and avoided 7 pirate attacks.

“As supreme commander-in-chief I consider one of my principal tasks strengthening the material and technical base of Naval fleet, and also resolution of social questions of soldiers and members of their families, certified the President RF. - I we, of course, by all these problems will be occupied - both in the sense of an increase in the monetary allowance of soldiers and in the sense of the stimulation of the military associations, creating normal human conditions for life and leisure of seamen”.

Orders for the military and sea merits, the medals of Suvorov and Ushakov - incomplete enumeration of the rewards, which the President entrusted to the officers of the Navies. They are grateful for so appreciation of their difficult and dangerous labor, they promise not to bring.

The conversation of the President with the seamen was continued after the cup of tea. We should build as much as possible ships and submarines, Dmitriy Medvedev emphasized at the beginning of conversation. Thus far with this there are problems, but the Navy is still capable to show good results. “Was today realized the launch of strategic missile from the submarine, and this launching was successful”, said Dmitriy Medvedev.

After putting an end to official part, the President wished to the seamen of pleasant appetite and proposed to pose questions. However, this occurred already without the press.

Jul 12, 2009

In Moscow on Kutuzovskiy 8 automobiles encountered

Moscow, on July 13. Motion according to Kutuzovskiy to avenue in Moscow is overlapped because of large [DTP] with the participation of eight automobiles.

As a result emergencies suffered not less than five people, reported RIA “of the news” source in the law-enforcement agencies of the capital. According to him, the head-on collision of two motor vehicles occurred on Kutuzovskiy avenue opposite the station of the metro “Slav avenue” in 07:40, after which into the emergency vehicles cut into six additional cars.

According to the preliminary data, different injuries obtained not less than five people, two of them proved to be those stopped up in the salons of machines. Rescuers free them.

According to him, the motion of motor transport according to Kutuzovskiy to avenue into the side of center, traditionally complicated in the mornings, is completely blocked.

Russians do not let out from Cyprus

In the airport of the Cypriot city Of [larnaka] because of the strike of loaders did not reveal the luggage and were not attended the flights of all foreign airlines, which arrived on Sunday.

On this reported the source in [aviaotrasli]. Source noted that in the number of the not attended airlines there were also Russian. The main inconvenience according to of source, in the fact that it was not known previous about the strike, it was spontaneous: “Loaders declared it unexpectedly, requiring an increase in the wages and improvement in the working conditions”.

About this reports “Interfax”. Source stated: “In 13:00 msk (in 12:00 on the Cypriot time) strike was finished, voyages began to be attended according to the complete program. However, they all depart with the delay, since the luggage of passengers they began to assume and to issue only in 13:00”.

Jul 8, 2009

From the department Sberbank in the Moscow area is stolen half million

Two unknowns robbed the department Of sberbanka RF in by Dmitrovsk the region of Moscow region, after taking away 500 thousand rubles, it reported RIA of the news on Thursday source in the law-enforcement agencies of region.
Moscow, 9 iyul - RIA of the news. Two unknowns on Wednesday robbed the department Of sberbank RF in by Dmitrovsk the region of Moscow region, after taking away 500 thousand rubles, it reported RIA of the news on Thursday source in the law-enforcement agencies of region. “In Nekrasovskiy settlement of two unknowns in the masks they entered into the accomodation of the department Of sberbank of Russia and, threatening physical with violence to three cashiers, they stole money from the cashbox in the size of half million rubles, after which they were hidden”, said the collocutor of agency.
RIA the news does not thus far have the commentary Of sberbank of Russia.