Jul 12, 2009

In Moscow on Kutuzovskiy 8 automobiles encountered

Moscow, on July 13. Motion according to Kutuzovskiy to avenue in Moscow is overlapped because of large [DTP] with the participation of eight automobiles.

As a result emergencies suffered not less than five people, reported RIA “of the news” source in the law-enforcement agencies of the capital. According to him, the head-on collision of two motor vehicles occurred on Kutuzovskiy avenue opposite the station of the metro “Slav avenue” in 07:40, after which into the emergency vehicles cut into six additional cars.

According to the preliminary data, different injuries obtained not less than five people, two of them proved to be those stopped up in the salons of machines. Rescuers free them.

According to him, the motion of motor transport according to Kutuzovskiy to avenue into the side of center, traditionally complicated in the mornings, is completely blocked.

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