Jul 12, 2009

Russians do not let out from Cyprus

In the airport of the Cypriot city Of [larnaka] because of the strike of loaders did not reveal the luggage and were not attended the flights of all foreign airlines, which arrived on Sunday.

On this reported the source in [aviaotrasli]. Source noted that in the number of the not attended airlines there were also Russian. The main inconvenience according to of source, in the fact that it was not known previous about the strike, it was spontaneous: “Loaders declared it unexpectedly, requiring an increase in the wages and improvement in the working conditions”.

About this reports “Interfax”. Source stated: “In 13:00 msk (in 12:00 on the Cypriot time) strike was finished, voyages began to be attended according to the complete program. However, they all depart with the delay, since the luggage of passengers they began to assume and to issue only in 13:00”.

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