Jul 5, 2009

10 best methods to earn additionally

Money much does not occur, and additional source of income still no one interfere withd.
If you are ready in the off-duty time to try forces as the individual owner or if you lost work and cannot find new, think about the possible alternative sources of income. As the beginning we propose to you “to fit to ourselves” 10 ideas on the creation of our own individual commercial enterprise. It is possible that several its own interesting ideas are born after reading in you.

If you possess special crafts…
The idea of №1. if you manage foreign language, then can earn additionally by oral or written translations. You can carry out orders for the small companies, which do not want to pay significant sums to the specialized service firms or to contain regular translator, but in which from time to time appears the need for the transfer of documentation and letters, aid in the telephone or usual negotiations. If besides the language proficiency you possess even and knowledge into some of the specific region, you can propose recessed translation product. For example, if you possess knowledge in the region of jurisprudence, then can propose yourselves as the specialist- translator of juridical documents.

The idea of №2. if you possess the knowledge of bookkeeping and calculation, and also you know how to work with special software, your services also can be claimed by small companies. Are frequent the cases, when one specialist conducts account for 3-4 and even smaller companies.

The idea of №3. possibly, you know how something, what they do not can others. And it is possible that others are ready to pay for that in order to this to learn. You do manage foreign language, excellently tennis, you do know mathematics or literature “on excellently”? You will examine the version of earnings with the aid of the tutorship.

If you possess culinary talents…
The idea of №4. is not by bread alone living man; however, in the pleasure to take pleasure by fresh baking or confectionery articles almost no one can to itself refuse. If you do know how to bake bread or cakes or even to perform complex and skillful confectionery articles, why not to attempt to extract from this additional income? For the beginning you will be determined with the fact, such as niche you would want to fill, and you will propose to [prodegustirovat] your creations by familiar. Let they recommend you as the supplier of the [svezhayshego] bread or cakes to order. The cost of domestic [khlebopechki], for example, varies from 2 to 8 thousand rubles. But recently we described about how one advertising agency became bakery.

The idea of №5. of numbers of people, which are ready to pay more for the natural and [ekologichnye] products, with each year grows. And for sure same will be located also among your familiar, indeed to now find products without the preservatives and the dyes and the rest is very heavy. Under the household conditions it is possible to produce cheeses and jam, beer and marinades, and also there is much what other. True, depending on that how you will decide to study, you it will, possibly, be necessary to purchase auxiliary equipment. For example, amateurish [minipivovarnyu] can be acquired for 7-8 thousand rubles.

The idea of №6. each, who organizes family measure or a party, he thinks, how to make this with smallest expenditures and labor expenses. But far from each is ready to pay significant sums for [keytering]. If you easily can think over menu and organize holiday table, you will propose your services to familiar or to associates for the moderate pay. In ideas enumerated above to eat one essential minus. If you want to be occupied by something of that enumerated above seriously, you should obtain special permissive documents. But this under the Russian conditions to make complex.

If you know how to work by hands…
The idea of №7. if you drill know how to use, and chandelier can hang, and mixer replace, and color, why to you on the output not to earn additionally as “the husband for the hour”. The specialized companies inquire per hour from 900 rubles, and you can begin from the arrangement of declaration on the special free site like OLX or Slando or acquire the first clients according to the recommendation of familiar.

The idea of №8. practically each woman knows how to make manicure and to plot hair, but some possess in this matter unusual knowledge and talent. If this is your case, no one prevents you from trying their forces as the barber- stylist or master of manicure. The main thing - to find among familiar those, who are ready to return into your hands free of charge in exchange for further recommendations to friends. The absence of diplomas about the specialized formation when the actually good results of work are present, will not prevent the acquisition of the circle of permanent clients.

The idea of №9. if you as the hobby make toys, adornments, accessories, you will look on them as to the source of additional income. The unique, existing in the sole copy things of author's work valued and will value always. In the Russian-language Internet there are resources, where the masters advance their works on sale, for example " Fair of [masterov]". But if you want to expand the circle of potential buyers to the international scale, to you straight road to the site Of etsy. If you love animals…

The idea of №10. if you actually love animals and are ready to take upon yourselves responsibility for strange four-footed, feathered or scaly friend, you can obtain additional earnings, proposing yourselves as “the nurse for animals”. The cost of a stay in the special hotel for animals costs from 300 rubles during the day, but many owners, leaving into leave or mission, would prefer so that their wards would remain house under the reliable care of the trusted person, but was not experienced stress, crossing into the unknown place.

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