Jul 6, 2009

Farewell with Jackson the USA largest in the history will become

In Los Angeles in the arena Of staples Of center on Tuesday of [proydet] the public ceremony of farewell with Michael Jackson. Even now they call it a similar most important measure in the history of the USA. In it will participate such stars of show business as [Stivi] Of [uander], Mariah Carry and [Dzhenifer] Hudson.
Tickets to the ceremony were played in the course of lottery. Of one-and-a-half million that desiring pass to the stadium can not more than 18 thousands. For organizers so could not suppress the illegal propagation of tickets. Cherished leads were put out to the Internet- auctions, their price reached 275 thousand dollars. Funeral ceremony will pass on the cemetery Of forest Of lawn Of memorial Of parks. On it will be present only family members and the close friends of singer. The translation of the public ceremony of farewell with the king of pop music you look in ether of the channel “of news” afterward 21:00 Moscow time.

Meanwhile the right to temporarily govern Michael Jackson's property is given to his attorney John Branca and old friend of family to John [Makkeyn]. On this solution declared the Supreme Court Justice of the state of California Mitchell [Bekloff]. Law court satisfied the wishes, which figure in the will of singer dated July 7, 2002. In it Jackson requested to appoint his executors Branca and [Makkeyna]. [Bekloff] also declared, that the given to executors authorities will elapse on August 3. During this day the Supreme Court of California will conduct new session on this question. Meanwhile the jurists of the mother Jackson - Katherine - proposed [Bekloffu] to wait a while and to give to them more than time in order to be dismantled at the financial affairs of the king of pop music and the circumstances of his sudden death on June 25. Attorney Bertha [Livitch] stressed that Jackson with the life removed Branca from conducting of his of finances.

However, Branca asserts, from his side that it was restored in the authorities on June 17, in a few days to the decease of singer. Singer, who passed away himself from the stopping of heart, bequeathed to transmit entire his property into the [trastovyy] fund of the family of Michael Jackson. By the manager of fund he wanted to see his mother. To it celebrity requested to grant the right of guardianship above its three children: by son by Michael Joseph- young of 12 years, by daughter Paris Michael Katherine 11 years and by son by Prins Michael [Vtory] 7 years. In the case of death their of mother or her incapacity to be a guardian children these functions are given to the most widely known singer To [dayane] of Russian.

In 1960- X black executor presented quintet “Jackson 5” at Eudes Sullivan's television show, assisting to the success of the family association. To [dayanu] and Michael since then connected sincere friendship and mutual respect. The previously Supreme Court of California permitted Katherine Jackson temporarily manage the personal effect of singer, which are located in his estate “Of [neverlend]”. The discussion deals with the values, the collection automobiles, the stage suits and the accessories. It was intended to sell these things in a quantity of 2 thousand designations at the auction.

On Tuesday July 7, the authorities of the mother of celebrity elapsed. As assert local jurists and media outlets, the parents of deceased singer have the valid reasons to attain the right to govern his property. In 1999 to Joe and Katherine Jacksons declared themselves bankrupts and turned themselves into the law court with the request to grant to them temporary protection from the creditors. According to the documents of process, at that moment the debts of conjugal couple approached 24 million dollars. In essence, the discussion dealt with different judicial expenses, loans and expenditures along the credit bank maps. The most valuable active membership was called house pair in Los Angeles with the cost of 290 thousand dollars.

According to the will, comprised and assured on July 7, 2002, of that moment entire property “of the king of on- music” was evaluated at more than 500 million dollars. Practically completely these are “clearing, nonliquid active memberships, including portion in the catalog of musical copyrights, which are found in the administration Of sony ATV”. From the sum total it is possible to deduct the debts, which were being approached at the moment of the decease of singer 400 million dollars. However, the relatives of Jackson do not lose hope for the possibility of existence of another will, comprised late July 2002. This will be considered the latter and having force of law. Michael Jackson died on June 25 in California at the age of 50 years.

The reasons for his death are not thus far officially declared. When the physicians of profit to the singer home, it no longer breathed. In the state of deep coma Jackson was immediately delivered into the nearest hospital; however, saving his doctors did not succeed in. Officially the circumstances of its death are not thus far established.

Forensic scientists speak, that for the precise conclusions several weeks will be required by them.

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