Jul 14, 2009

The 55- degree heat expects the south of Russia

In Astrakhan on Tuesday 14:00 to 17:00 is expected a sharp increase in the temperature of air - from 36 to 55 degrees. " To inhabitants it should be not left to the street into this time interval, since is high the probability of extraordinary [situatsiy]" , noted source in main management MChS (emergency and disaster relief ministry) of Russia on the Astrakhan province, in this case after adding that especially this concerns citizens, who suffer cardiovascular diseases, reports " [Interfaks]".

Let us note that [ekologi] and public organizations have long ago sounded the alarm concerning a climate change on the planet. Thus, the World Bank finds this process in the Eurasian region by catastrophic and calls the countries of East Europe and central Asia to accept a number of system actions. This it is discussed in the special report on the adaptation to the climatic changes.

According to the data of specialists, the region already proved to be under the action of climate changes and it perceives on itself its different consequences: the changeability of weather, an increase in the temperature, extreme phenomena, such, as droughts, storm, flood and fires, [PRAYM]- TASS reports. In the opinion experts, who refer to the forecasts, the changeability of climate in the next decades will be strengthened still more.

As it is noted in the report, since the beginning of the 20th century mean temperatures in the region already increased by 0,5 degrees in the south and by 1,6 degrees on the north, in Siberia, and to the middle of the 21st Century is expected an increase in the temperature by 1,6 - 2,6 degrees, besides a more considerable increase in temperatures is forecast in the north latitudes.

The reduction of a quantity of frost days on 14-30 days is forecast for the forthcoming 20-40 years on the north. In the southern parts of this region a quantity of hot days will grow by 22-37 during the same period.

This tendency toward the warming up is fraught with the perceptible consequences: according to forecasts, to the middle of century such countries, as Poland or Hungary, in a quantity of hot days - more than 30 degrees - can be equaled with Spain or Sicily.

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