Jul 16, 2009

The sequential launch of rocket “[Bulava]” proved to be unsuccessful

The heavy atomic rocket cruiser of strategic designation “Dmitriy Donskoy” produced on July 15 from the water area of the White Sea the test launch of ballistic missile “[Bulava]”, because of the nonstandard wear and tear of first stage the rocket was self-liquidated, it is spoken in the communication of control of press service and information of the Ministry of Defense RF.
“Is created the Commission of Inquiry of the reasons for selfdestruction”, reports military department. The previously sea tests of rocket were stopped for conducting the ground-based bench tests after a number of launching failures.
The first after stopping launching again proved to be unsuccessful. With the intercontinental ballistic underwater-launched missile Of [r]30 of 3[M]30 “Of [bulava]-30” (in the international agreements it is used name [RSM]-56, according to the classification of NATO - SS-NX-30) it is planned to equip the strategic submarines of project 955 (cipher “Boreas”), which now are built or are passed tests on “[Sevmashpredpriyatii]”: “Yuri [Dolgorukiy]”, “Alexander [Nevskiy]” and “Vladimir [Monomakh]”.
The maximum flying distance of rocket - 8 thousand kilometers, starting mass - is 36,8 tons, the covered weight (payload) - 1,15 thousand kilograms. Rocket can bear 6-10 hypersonic maneuvering nuclear blocks of individual guidance on 100-150 kilotons, capable of changing the flight trajectory on the height and the course. Has low-altitude flight profile. Engines of first and second stages - solid-propellant, the third - liquid - for guaranteeing the necessary speed of maneuvering in the stage of breeding combat blocks. “[Bulava]” is developed in the Moscow institute of heat engineering.

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